Reflections on Tasman Bridge Disaster 1975

Lake Illawarra down below,

Captured in an indigo glow.

The Tasman Bridge soars overhead

A monument to the dozen dead,

Seven sailors entombed, down below,

Submerged in icy Derwent flow.

Five others died, when bridge went down,

Struggling, but, eventually drowned.

When balanced in predicament,

Were my life’s days so wisely spent?

When taken to the edge I wonder

How many moments have I squandered?

copywrite thehobartchinaman

Editors Note, 3D imaging in 2022 has revealed the MV Illawarra, located below the Tasman Bridge on the Derwent River Hobart. In 1975 the vessel collided with the Bridge, drowning seven sailors and five motorists who plunged into the water when several bridge spans collapsed.

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