Another Geezer in the Library

See the source image

Sat in the library its peaceful

Sadly though the umkempt obnoxious loudmouthed lout, about whom I once complained to library staff, plonks hisself all over a the covid wiped plastic chair.

We avoid any eye contact.

My editing is not going well. I glance nonchalantly to the left, then the right and catch sight peripherally of an older guy. He leans forward to squint at the screen.

Turning back to my own pixels, I can’t concentrate anymore.

Furtively I turn up pics on my phone and scroll through. Having had to reduce storage a few days earlier I’d deleted lots of duplicates and nonsense memories. But not the one I’m looking for. I know it’s there, a date somewhere back late last year.

Ah ha, i find it, memorise its content and glance rightwards.

The thinning grey hair comes to mind, receding hair line, shabby cardigan hanging from stooped shoulders.

I try to focus, and sneak a look back at my phone.

Surely its not him again!

The dick pic geezer.

It isn’t.

Is it relief I feel?

In this new PC age, were it the dick pic geezer, would it have been de rigueur to report him?

I couldn’t settle again, and rushed home in a moral quandary.

“Honey, I thought I nearly saw him again.”

“Saw who,” she replied,” what are you talking about?’

“Well I thought I saw the dick pic man again in the public library!” I replied.

“How’d you know it was him, you know anglo’s all look the same to you!” she joshed.

“Well that’s right ,” thehobartchinaman retorted, “but I checked.”

“You checked!” she blurted incredulously.

“No, no I didn’t go over and look at his screen or nothing as insensitive as that!” I taunted, but I checked.”

“You checked, what’d you mean you checked?

“I looked at the pic I’d taken last time, and I could tell it wasn’t him.

“What! You took a pic of him? When!”

“Last time when I saw him salivating over the dick pics last year,” I said timidly.

I’d thought it inappropriate that in a public library where all and sundry could glimpse his screen he should be reviewing dick pics.

She was aghast. Her hubby had taken a pic of a man who was using a public computor to review material which was better done, if at all, in the privacy of his residence.

Reminded me of that time, seems an age ago now when I’d got my first warning for photography


  1. I’d save time and put his picture up at the Post Office

    1. davidatqcm says:

      Mmhh, I’ll have to take my pic down first, perhaps I’ll use the same drawing pins to stick his up.

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